
Representation Analysis

1. Tide Ad
The main character is a mother speaking about her daughter. The mother is a stereotypical girly girl wearing a pink jacket and a skirt with a headband. The entire room is "girly" with pastel-like colors except for her daughter. Her daughter is more of a tomboy with her hair messier, she's playing with dinosaurs and blocks (making a car garage) instead of barbies, and her mother can be heard saying she refuses to wear pink. You can hear her mother say her daughter plays with dirt and prefers to wear hoodies. The target audience of this ad is parents who have "messy" children, showing that tide can save any clothing from dirt; they are more likely to relate to this situation.
2. Axe Ad
The ad opens up with a lady in a bikini with full makeup on and her hair done running through a forest. With multiple long/medium shots, you're able to see most of the lady's body exposing the target audience for this ad being men. This is confirmed when more women appear and join together in running. As they're running towards the man, a close up of him with a smile on his face reveals that the man is amused, which would probably match the target audience's amusement as well. As more medium shots are used, it is revealed that the reason these women are running towards him is that he is spraying himself with axe body spray. With the tag line "spray more, get more" men who use this product are being convinced that women will be all over them if they use this product.